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Reading Now: Don Quixote

A tall and gaunt villager in his fifties, named Quixote, lives in a village in Spain. Day and night, non-stop Quixote reads books about chivalrous knights of the past at his mansion.

Posted on 10-07-2019 | Comments: 0

Reading Now: A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities provides us with insights about the untold details pre-revolutionary and revolutionary eras of France by presenting slices of lives of seven-eight people.

Posted on 11-10-2018 | Comments: 1

Shopify API PHP

Shopify has simplest API I have ever seen. It doesn't have that complicated authorization steps or different header structure.

Posted on 10-17-2018 | Comments: 3

PHP PayPal Checkout API – Simplest Way

Here is easiest way to integrate PayPal Checkout with PHP into your shopping cart.

Posted on 02-23-2018 | Comments: 2

Walmart API - generate digital signature

I had a question about how to generate digital signature for Walmart API and how to use it. Well, for some reason, Walmart makes it a little difficult. You can use below example:

Posted on 09-13-2017 | Comments: 1

Walmart API - Item Feed Errors

If you try to post your products to Walmart by using Walmart Item Feed API and you keep getting below error messages, you can use below solution:

Posted on 08-26-2017 | Comments: 3

Amazon Advertising API PHP - Errors

I'd like to share some Amazon Advertising API errors that one of my clients asked me. I fixed them by using PHP so if you use different language, you just try to figure out by yourself with help of below explanations.

Posted on 08-26-2017 | Comments: 2

Peppol Access Point – Oxalis Integration

Instead of using existing Peppol Access Point Providers, if you decide to own your own Access Point, probably you will end up integrating Oxalis. Problem is that their installation guide is not updated and with current installation steps, it does not work. Below steps work with Oxalis Distribution 4

Posted on 08-26-2017 | Comments: 12

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